Author page: admin

Digital Learning is Here to Stay!

Digital Learning is Here to Stay!

Way back in 1999, as a young engineering student, I had a start-up in education called ‘Activity’, and we conducted Life Skills workshops in schools of Bangalore and organised ‘Activity – The Kool Skool Festival’ which later was rebranded and went on to become the legendary school event ‘Horlicks Wizkids’. Not being happy with one start-up and being highly influenced…

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It’s about the Student Voice not just the Student Council

It’s about the Student Voice not just the Student Council

Schools are organisation’s that thrive on traditions and formalities. The older the institution the more the traditions and the bigger the pride in them. One of the oldest traditions of schools has been the nomination or elections of the School Captain or Head Boy/Girl. Over the years in most schools this tradition has taken legendary proportions and is highly coveted.…

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